Business Immersion

An immersive experience for college students and recent graduates.

Immerse Yourself in the world of business.

The Business Immersion program is your opportunity to work directly with a wealth of top professionals and supportive mentors to tackle real business challenges for a chosen client.

Throughout the summer, you will be innovating and learning in a supportive environment that challenges you to conquer key business barriers. All while honing in on both hard and soft skills, essential for success in today’s competitive business landscape. This summer is the one to build your network and jumpstart your career.

Summer 2024 program is now in session. For any questions or inquiries, email

Collaborate, Solve, Grow, Impact.

Designed for liberal arts undergraduates and recent graduates, the Business Immersion program goes beyond your typical summer internship.

It starts with a complex problem from your client that you and your team will be challenged to solve throughout the six weeks. You’ll learn and consult directly with experienced business professionals who will help you fine tune your skills.

With direct access to the business world, you’ll gain hands-on experience that prepares you for the transition from academic to professional life.

Program Highlights

During one resume-building summer in Columbus, Ohio, you’ll get direct experience in product and service design, customer research, data analytics, marketing, content strategy, accounting, and so much more.

In addition to those hard skill disciplines, you will practice soft skills including collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. Some other highlights include:

  • Work and live in downtown Columbus
  • Build relationships with attendees from across the nation and the world
  • Meet, consult, and network with business leaders
  • Learn about the needs of clients
  • Work in teams and with supportive mentors
  • Receive ongoing coaching, mentoring, and feedback
  • Solve real client challenges
  • Pitch ideas to business leaders and the community, intended to foster change
  • Build your resume as you explore your full potential, both professionally and personally

At the end of this program, you will have outstanding resume-worthy experience, a portfolio of practical business knowledge, and a supportive network of experienced professionals.

Park National Bank
This Year’s Client

We’re thrilled to partner with Park National Bank this year!

Park National Bank is both an esteemed client and educational partner throughout the program. Students will dive deep into this dynamic industry and make an impact.

Learn More

Weekly Overview
  1. 01
    Week 1 : Project Management and Communication Literacies

  2. 02
    Week 2 : Customer Research and Insights

  3. 03
    Week 3 : Applied Business Strategy and Financial Analysis

  4. 04
    Week 4 : Agile Project Management and Co-Creation

  5. 05
    Week 5 : Presentation Practice and Solution Refinement

  6. 06
    Week 6 : Final Preparation and Presentation

Apply for Business Immersion

You’re one step closer to reaching your professional and personal goals.

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